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Self Story #4

Although I have many “gendered” attributes and interests and consider myself a female there are many interests that would be considered tomboy-like.

To this day, I'll never forget the first day walking into a barn. I was 2 years old. It was a brisk November day and I made my way in grasping my grandfather and fathers hands. My eyes light up with joy and amusement as I excitedly stepped in. Every direction I looked there was a new animal that I had to go and pet.

Our first stop was the cattle.Their loud moos echoed through my ears. Without knowing I placed my tiny hand gently in the middle of the fur. My hand sunk in and made an imprint almost like it was memory foam. I loved the soft and silky feel. As I was about to continue to keep petting I abruptly got pulled away by my grandfather and father. I was in shock. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t continue running my little fingers across the magnificent fur. A Showcatle ! I had been petting a cattle who had just been freshly blow dried and brushed up for the auction. At the time I couldn’t understand because I was only 2. It was just too fluffy to resist touching. Now that I look back I laugh but, I know that I can only pet the cattle before they’re blow dried.

The next stop were the horses. The horses were so friendly and gentle. To pet them I had to be lifted so I could reach them. I lovingly brushed my hands across their slick and warm fur. This day on, I grew a love for horses. I always wanted to own one of my own but never got the opportunity because my city like living area would not be ideal for a horse. I cherished my dream and continued on to lunch.We decided to have burgers. Burgers right beside the cattle. To many this would make them nauseous and turn them off but I loved it. From the knowledge and customs of my grandfather I wanted to be just like him. A true farm girl.

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