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Critical Teaching Manifesto 

My name is Jenna Hamilton and I am in my 3rd year of the Elementary Education Program. Education is a social groundwork intended to preserve the goals of society. It strives to create individuals who are capable of making their own decisions. Education guides people to become better citizens, grow and develop, help get jobs and gain problem solving skills. The purpose of teaching and learning is to create new knowledge and form meaningful connections. 

    “When we are happy we are more successful at our work”(pg 116, Goldberg, 2018). This quote strongly resonates with me because I need to remember in order to give my students all I need to make sure to take care of myself first. To support diversity in my classroom I will: include missing voices in my classroom library, get to know my students, address inequality, connect with families and meet the diverse needs of my students. By promoting equality, reducing race and gender barriers and accommodating all learning styles I will be contributing to social and ecological justice.

    As a teacher it is my duty to incorporate Indigenous knowledge into the classroom by understanding Indigenous perspectives, having aboriginal people teach the class and knowing in order to have reconciliation we must have the truth. My areas of growth include goal setting, leaning into my struggles and asking for help from others. To live by my beliefs I will take action, seek growth and try going into new territories. My learning style promotes learning through interaction. I will be memorable by being kind, forming connections with my students and consistently encouraging them

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